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How To Promote Your Mobile App.

How To Promote Your Mobile App.

Once you have your mobile app built, it’s time to think about how you are going to promote it. Today, I want to cover some of the most effective ways to promote your local business app.

Email Existing Customers

Use your existing customer base to promote your app. If you have an email list, use an autoresponder like aWeber, Mailchimp or GetResponse and mail your customer base to let them know that you have a new app. This is where you can also incentivise your existing customers to share the email. I’ll talk through incentive ideas shortly.

Social Media

Social Media is probably the number 1 way to promote your app for free. From your business page, share a download link to your app and run a competition. You could offer up a voucher or a prize for those who like and share your page, or have 1 big prize for someone that you choose at random from that group. I would use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for free promotion and then run a $5 per day ad campaign on Facebook to promote your app. This should really snowball the downloads for you.

Promote In-Store

Putting up posters with a QR code download link is a good way to promote your local business app. You can use this QR code on table toppers if you own a cafe or a bar/restaurant. Get all of your staff onboard with promotion. They should be telling everyone they come into contact that there is a new app for the business and they should also be briefed with the details of features and benefits for the downloading customer!


Free coffee with every download of the app? What about a percentage off the customers food bill if everyone at the table downloads the app and shows the server? Competitions with great value prizes will always garner good attention, and if you use them properly, social vitality is a very likely possibility!

However you choose to get your app out there, the first thing to do is write out all of your ideas and then execute on them. Without action, your app will not grow as you want or expect it to. Try and think of some fun ways you can promote your app and feel free to share them with us here!

David P McCall.

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